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Question 30/30
Final Step
Select Your Age!
Select Your Age!
Welcome to the IQ Academy Test!
This Test has been carefully crafted by Mensa and International High IQ Society members.
Knowing your IQ accurately is a Major plus for you!
Whether for studying, when applying for a job, or simply to know yourself a little better.
The result you’ll obtain will be between 55 and 145, with a Standard-Deviation of 15 (SD15)
Please remember that:
- The result you will obtain is perfectly tested and as accurate as possible. It is a high grade Test like you would have with professionals, like from a Psychologist.
It has been carefully crafted by Mensa and International High IQ Society members. - Please note that no online IQ Test is fully reliable: IQ Tests should be administered by a qualified practitioner, under time management controlled environment. However, we do our very best for you to have a result as similar as possible you’d have in these environments. A special Thank You to all Psychologists!
- The Test is based upon the Raven Progressive Matrices, as this kind of visual tests provide results very close to one’s Fluid Intelligence (Spearman’s Gf), and are considered as the IQ Tests “icing on the cake”. This is what the IQ Academy aims to!
- We wish to take the IQ Academy to another level, with the Forum activation, with new tests and with surprises related to IQ Tests and other Intelligence forms Tests… shhh… Your contribution is essential for the IQ Academy future, which exists for You!
- Most online IQ Tests are mainly entertainment quizzes, the real gems are rare. And, generally, quite expensive.
- And finally, the IQ Academy brings you this for free (which is one thing) and is cost-less (which is another thing)! Enjoy!
Before you take the Test, we would suggest that:
– you have 1/2 hour of total tranquility, in a distraction-free environment – There are 30 questions, with a time limit of 30 minutes.
– don’t take the Test after a heavy meal
– in doubt, answer by instinct. It won’t penalize, and it’s always better than “Skip the Question”
– you can’t go back: the Test is sequential
– use your time wisely, as the result won’t increase by finishing the test in a shorter time
Share with someone who thinks is smarter than you 🙂 😉
Not a tough as the practice IQ test on the Mensa international website but it’s definitely tougher than some of the other online tests I’ve done.
Hi Bosko! Thank you for your visit, and glad you took the Test 🙂
This one is based upon data we have since 2016. It’s not meant to be “hard” nor “easy”. The Test is periodically revised in order to comply not to “what we want”, but to be closely linked to the actual IQ Tests data we have since that date.
Anyway, kudos for Mensa and its test!
Thank you again, Bosko, and be always welcome :). We wish you the best.
Kind regards,
— IQ Academy